Pithy polemic, and on the money!

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Thank you for this trenchant deconstruction of some flabby thinking. Bravo! Deeds not words! Let's all understand and reform the deeply unfair, regressive tax system that has ensured levelling down. Levels of inequality have grown under the dead Friedmanite hand of Thatcher, Joseph and so many others until the worshipped markets called time on Kwarteng and Truss. The Labour government can and I believe will make good policy. It has already started - but the National discourse needs to get real about the choices to be made. I know you'll agree but don't diss us lefty liberals too much ... Dead philosophers we can ditch, but the Nolan principles, and zero tolerance for breaches of ministerial and other codes of ethics are vital to good governance, and they must pave the way for the incorruptable government we all want to fix the stinking mess the Tories left our country in. Keep at it you guys, and send a link to this article in your letter to the Guardian. I think they should be told!

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Thanks Deborah - all agreed. I hope I didn't diss too many good people who mean well and do say the right things. I hope I got my point across that we need to prioritise - which means making tough choices based on hard evidence, not just (but including) arguments about good governance.

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